Free Website Evaluation
Information You Can Use
Your Free, No Obligation, No B.S. Evaluation
You've probably downloaded a dozen "free" guides that are light on useful information and heavy on upselling you the real information. You've probably had some "free" consultations that turn out to be a hard-sell or the provider haunts you with constant phone calls and emails.
Yeah. Me too. Which is why I have a "dump" email that I use for anything that is "free."
That's not what my free evaluation is about. You'll get a real and useful analysis of your current website. The evaluation includes grading, notes, and recommendations of:
Customer Centric Messaging
Content, Length, Quality, and Optimization
Ease of Navigation
Use of Keywords
Mobile and Desktop Presentation
You'll receive your written report in about 2 to 3 days (because it's individualized, it takes a little time).
And I won't sell your email, add you to a newsletter (unless you ask), or be a plague to your email account.
Hate online forms? Then simply email me the above information at:
Raymond A. Esposito R Author | Blogger | Podcaster