Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Raymond Esposito is a professional writer, loss prevention consultant, and content marketing expert with over twenty-five years of experience. He is also an award-winning dark fiction author and Amazon bestseller. His articles and interviews have appeared in a variety of publications including Family Circle, Security Solutions, and Sanitarium Magazine. He holds a degree in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Connecticut.
It is never too late to be what you might have been
There is this old saying, “Jack of All Trades, Master of None.” The quote was probably meant as a warning. Unfortunately, I have too much curiosity to heed such sage advice. I like learning things. I enjoy knowing a little bit about a lot of stuff. In fact, I believe the more diverse one’s learning, the more apparent becomes the patterns that connect seemingly unrelated topics—such as the statistical likelihood that psychic ability is more real than an individual we might label a “professional” baseball player.​

You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do
I feel sorry for people who don’t have a passion for their work. I always saw my job as a challenge to find interesting things to do. I’ve never had a boss who could find more projects for me to complete than I could find for myself. I’ve never concerned myself with the minimum standards of a position because I’m more focused on the maximum. Tell me the best, fastest, or most that have been achieved because that is my goal. The secret to a fulfilling career isn’t money or title, it’s that feeling that you are doing worthwhile work the best that you can—and both of those are intrinsically determined.


A person who does not read has no advantage over one who cannot
College took some time to complete. You could blame the beer and that I’d rather stay up to 3 am reading a Stephen King novel than a textbook. Those things didn’t help, but the real issue was curiosity. I simply could not decide on a major. Not because I didn’t like any of the choices, but because I liked too many and hated the idea of selecting just one. In my first three years, I made three changes. After an extended break I returned knowing exactly what I wanted to learn and that was psychology. After college I learned the real lesson—education should never stop. You don’t need an institution to learn. You just need books. I’ve continued my education in psychology, classic literature, economics, writing, and even neurology. All on my own and all with a library card—okay, my library card actually reads Amazon Prime but you get the point.​
Fiction Writing
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes
I never wanted to be an author but I am such a good liar I felt it was my duty. Truth is that I love reading. I’ve loved it since I was a kid. It’s almost an addiction. I read the back of the condiment bottles while eating if there is nothing else available. My writing journey began like many authors—bad poetry and dreams of being a songwriter, followed by even worse short stories. My first novel, You and Me Against the World started as a short story until it got out of hand and became a four-book series. I prefer dark fiction, though, and mostly the things that go bump in the night. I believe the only way to examine our characters and ourselves are to examine the actions we take during the darkest nights of our souls.

In all that I see or seem . . . Am I the dreamer or just the dream?
I grew up in a small town. The type of town with a family-owned grocery store and a gas station that closed at 7 o’clock. I had a mostly unsupervised childhood, which I credit for my active imagination. I’ve been fortunate enough to see most of the US and the UK. I’ve been married twice and raised two sons and three stepdaughters. I’ve discovered that steak from the most expensive restaurant can’t compare with a hot dog on your own grill. The most important thing I’ve learned about is people. I’ve found if you treat them with respect, treat them fairly, show some kindness and smile, then everyone will mostly get along just fine. Mostly. I mean let's face it, some people are just assholes.

Social Media Publications
Why sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast
There is more fiction on social media than in any of my stories. I think psychologists and sociologists will be trying to figure out its impact on the individual and society for decades to come. I don’t believe social media has changed the world, I believe it has simply exposed it. For me, social media is about sharing ideas and sharing creativity. Everyone agrees that social media is filled with hate, intolerance, and ignorance. The problem is when you agree with a stranger who states that, there is a fifty percent chance they are talking about your beliefs and opinions. I think Dr. Seuss might have been psychic because social media has exposed The Lorax in all of us.
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Audio Dark Fiction Stories
Raymond A. Esposito R Author | Blogger | Podcaster